
Cresswind Community Fund Receives 2020 Anne Thomas Volunteer of the Year Award

It takes a community to keep the mission of Good News Clinics alive and the “doors open”. One such community is Cresswind. This community provided the Good News Clinics’ staff  with gift cards to help them offset the financial hardships caused by the pandemic. They also purchased and donated much needed products for The Clinics.Through the leadership of Cresswind Community Fund president, Bill Papciak, Good News Clinics has been the recipient of several grants. One of these grants established an ongoing flu vaccine program for The Clinics. The outpouring of financial support for The Clinics from the Cresswind Community Fund has been amazing. We would not have been able to serve so many over 55, low-income Hall County residents if it were not for their support.

In addition, the Cresswind Community Fund provided catered meals for the Good News Clinics’ staff during the pandemic and they have asked Good News Clinics to refer eligible patients for possible financial support from the Community’s Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program.

Many residents of the Cresswind Community have also donated their time and wisdom: serving on the Good News Clinics’ Board of Directors, working on the Fundraising Committee, volunteering as Intake Specialists, gathering and donating much needed supplies and so much more. Special thanks to Cresswind Community volunteers: Ann Causey, Marianne Falls, Sue Garcia, Tamara Glenn, Jan Kasner, Gerry Maier, and Ron Stowe as well as the Cresswind Community Fund Board of Directors.

The mission of the Cresswind Community Fund is to enhance the lives of adults primarily age 55 and older through charitable, educational, health-related and cultural opportunities in the greater Gainesville area and Hall County. They are certainly doing that through their support of Good News Clinics. We are proud to honor Cresswind Community Fund as our 2020 Anne Thomas Volunteer of the Year.