Donate Goods
The Clinics collects donated goods of non-perishable foods and personal items to provide Blessing Boxes to our patients. To contribute to the Blessing Box, please bring items to The Clinics offices.
Food Non-perishables:
Cheerios/whole grain cereals
Fruit cups in water – with pop lid
Peanut butter
Seasonings (onion powder, garlic powder, Ms. Dash, pepper, low sodium taco seasoning)
Canned chicken or tuna in water – with pop lids
Rice (unseasoned)
Dry beans
Low sodium pasta sauce and noodles
Granola bars/protein bars (soft and hard)
Unsalted nuts
Soup (low sodium) – with pop lid
Shelf based low fat milk or non-dairy products
Unsalted crackers
Unsalted/unseasoned canned vegetables – with pop lids or in plastic cups
Personal & Other Items:
Shampoo & Conditioners
Soap (bar and liquid)
Hand Sanitizers
Antibacterial Ointment
Anti-Itch Cream
Bug Spray
Books (all ages)
School Supplies
Hats/Gloves (seasonal items)