Good News Clinics serves Hall County residents ages 18-65 who are without access to health insurance and have a family income within 150% of the federal poverty level. The Clinics has four areas: The Sam Poole Medical Clinic, The Green Warren Dental Clinic, The Dispensary and Health Access.
Sam Poole Medical
- 900-1,100 appointments each month
- 46 Physicians
- 2 Full-Time Nurse Practitioners
- Registered Dietitian & Nutrition Counseling
- Mental Health Screening & Counseling
- Medical Lab
- Dr. Henson, Dr. Clark, and Dr. Lynch serve as Medical Directors
Warren Green Dental
- 500-600 appointments each month
- 43 volunteer dentists
- 2 dental assistants on staff
- Providing X-rays, exams, fillings & extractions
- Dr. Ben Hawkins serves as Dental Director
Good News Dispensary
- Nearly 40,000 prescriptions filled annually
- Full-time pharmacist, pharmacy tech on staff
- Alan Edwards, R.Ph, serves as Pharmacy Director
- Hepatitis C Treatment Program
Health Access
- Over 330 in our network of specialty physicians
- Over 4,800 appointments annually
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Share the gift of health and healing with our neighbors in need in Gainesville and Hall County by donating time or resources to Good News Clinics.